Category: News

2020 / 21 Speaker “Sandwell to India Wildlife” by Tal Chohan

Last night we had a Zoom presentation by Tal Chohan entitled “Sandwell to India Wildlife” during Tal discussed his journey through life since taking up photography, his aims and desires.

He illustrated his talk with lots of unique images and some video.

The presentation was in 2 halves the first showing local wildlife and  his endeavours to get a unique or unusual shot of an animal be it a King fisher, fox, badger, squirrel or kestrel either showing the animal in its natural habitat or to extreme close ups using fish eye lens.

The second half moved us to India and Indian Wild life but in particular wild tigers again Tal shows us his attempts to get that more unusual image and he also discussed how the conservation for tigers is helping other wildlife and feeding back into the community and thus encouraging the community to help as tourism because of the tigers is more lucrative than poaching so hopefully a win win scenario.

To see Tals work visit his web site

2020 / 21 POTY 4 “3”

Last night was the review of the images entered for POTY round 4 that had the theme “3”. There were 45 images

Reading comments out of context was slightly worrying as they seemed to refer to questionable activities like nice threesome, getting the last E in

01 1 Down And 1 To Go – Alan Wardropper :

Finished 34 Scored 16.6 Range 6 24 Impact 5.5 Composition 5.27 Technical 5.68

Bit Right heavy. Not sure if would be better flipped. Confusing. Difficult to appreciate 3 elements. The title doesn’t help me either. Not taken at a good angle, dodging and burning could improve impact and technical. Good image, love the colours

02 3 Deer – Chantal Cooper :

Finished 35 Scored 16.57 Range 11 23 Impact 5.43 Composition 5.52 Technical 5.65

Deer soft but background sharp. Nice shot. Good DOF. The subjects stand out from the background. Nice shot. Shame left deer not looking at photographer. Right deer needs brightening. Background nicely out of focus. Shame left deer not looking and they are rather lost in the background. good capture, well processed. lacks focus point

03 3 Local Businesses – Chris Dunne :

Finished 45 Scored 13.76 Range 6 19 Impact 4.13 Composition 4.7 Technical 4.83

Has the sky been changed in post processing? Need to straighten the buildings. A little busy for my liking. Lighting rather flat. Fortunate that no vehicles on forecourt, but that’s COVID for you! Meets the theme in a few ways. Love the road name well captured. Too big in the frame for me, a bit more sky needed maybe. Too tight in frame, could be improved with basic processing. record shot

04 After Christmas – Andy Freeman :

Finished 42 Scored 15.3 Range 8 22 Impact 5.05 Composition 5.18 Technical 5.05

A little too dark, for my taste. Everything soft but perhaps that’s what the author wanted. Good effort but perhaps lighting isn’t good enough on items in front of cloth. Nice set up. Nice ‘warm’ feeling. I’d like a bit more clarity.

05 Balls – Daniel Wood :

Finished 43 Scored 14.67 Range 6 20 Impact 4.7 Composition 4.87 Technical 4.96

Needs a different crop, probably square. The hidden orange ball on the right needed cropping out!. The subjects stand out, but I think just white and orange balls would be better. Subjects would be more obvious. I’d remove the pen marks. Is the image upside down? Would be good if the orange balls all had 3 on. good shot, love the orange triangle, keeps you in the frame. might have been better with just white and orange balls

06 Beach Oasis – Roger Leck :

Finished 31 Scored 17.3 Range 9 28 Impact 5.91 Composition 5.77 Technical 5.73

Great shot!. Makes it look like the trees are falling. Maybe rotate clockwise a few degrees. Nice image. Not as effective as one I’ve seen before. Angle of trees doesn’t really help the image. It was more about the pattern in the sand. Original worked better, trees soft. Perhaps rotate image to straighten

07 Bluebells – Gary Wood :

Finished 32 Scored 16.67 Range 9 24 Impact 5.61 Composition 6 Technical 5.04

Focus slightly soft on the rightmost flower. Over-cropped and not sharp, too big in frame. Simple image but soft, perhaps too shallow depth of field. Needs to be sharp really. Background nicely blurred. Very nice, but not enough sharp points. Nice DOF. good shot, good natural lighting. to central a little soft

08 Botallack Ruins – John Denny :

Finished 16 Scored 19.45 Range 10 26 Impact 6.23 Composition 6.68 Technical 6.41

A bit soft. Good image, love the natural moody sky. Needs much better contrast to make ruins and stone walls stand out in the landscape. Think it needs more contrasts to make it stand out. Lighting a bit flat? Good composition. Very nice moody photo. The dark clouds above the middle building are a bit too dark for me. eye drawn to light horizon not biuldings

09 Boulder Beach


10 Carnival Dancers – Al Simms :

Finished 36 Scored 16.5 Range 10 22 Impact 5.41 Composition 5.64 Technical 5.41

Could have been give more impact by blurring background. Possibly waiting a few seconds to get the three characters stacked slightly behind each other and more made of the colourful costumes. Everything but dancers desaturated to emphasise them, which works. Good image nice and sharp, love the desert on the general public. Overall soft, better processing would help make dancers stand out from the background. The background looks desaturated to highlight the subjects, but all the people in the background are still distracting and make it look busy.

11 Caution 3 Steps – Paul Steans :

Finished 39 Scored 15.55 Range 6 21 Impact 5.09 Composition 5.09 Technical 5.18

Good depth of field. Needs straightening. This fulfils the brief, but lacks interest for me. Remove the brown bit, top right. Perhaps better from a different angle. would have liked to have seen more of the steps

12 Chinese Lanterns


13 Cranes In Triplicate – Roger Leck :

Finished 38 Scored 15.75 Range 6 20 Impact 5.05 Composition 5.27 Technical 5.18

A record shot of three cranes, probably could improve with some processing, e.g highlights .Bland sky. Fulfils the brief. Slightly interesting, but not enough for me. Nice uniform set of container cranes. Blue sky a good contrast to yellow cranes. Perhaps a bit more space needed on right. Tone down brighter parts of structure to make them more yellow.

14 Dogfight


15 Fallow Does


16 Fashion Friends – Steve Bexon :

Finished 20 Scored 19 Range 9 25 Impact 6.18 Composition 6.5 Technical 6.14

A bit too busy for me. Maybe blur or change the background behind the subjects to make them stand out more. I like that the person on the wall seems to be looking at the girls. Great colours and very sharp throughout. Areal sense of movement from the girls. Good triangular delineation between wall and pavement and recession. Love the colours and one girl is looking at camera. Very colourful. Everything in focus. Girls positioned nicely just in front of graffiti face looking at them.v

17 Feeding Time


18 Fire Buckets – Ken Chesterman :

Finished 29 Scored 17.55 Range 13 21 Impact 5.86 Composition 5.86 Technical 5.77

A newly painted wall with old fire buckets doesn’t really scream character. Fire hydrant sign is distracting. Great use of colour. good processing. I’d prefer this to be face on, rather than having diagonal lines in the brickwork. Good, otherwise. Like minimal pictures but possibly more could be made of the colour and angle of shot. Take a couple of rows of bricks off the top and brighten the reds more as the white wall is very bright. should have gotten the final E in

19 Gap In The Clouds – Andy Freeman :

Finished 19 Scored 19.25 Range 9 22 Impact 6.27 Composition 6.05 Technical 6.59

A bit too dark. Needs more space to fly into and less at the top. Maybe a square crop would be better. The planes are nicely spaced. Portrait sort of works but loses some impact, perhaps a slightly wider crop and more space may have improved it. Title doesn’t really describe the image. If the gap was bigger and planes had been totally in the gap then title ok. Perhaps a square crop might be better? Very sharp image of planes. Is this a cropped part of the full formation? Very good capture. a closer crop makes a better picture and add sky to left. good shot, good natural lighting

20 Getting Shipshape – John Smith :

Finished 24 Scored 18.15 Range 10 26 Impact 5.95 Composition 6.14 Technical 6.05

Colours work but too many distractions in foreground and background for me. Good composition. Good use of colour, HDR a little strong. Nice colourful image, good positioning of people in a triangle. Perhaps the boat in the background is a bit distracting. Rope in foreground is a bit distracting, as is the small dark patch, bottom left. Shame about the boat in the background, top left.

21 Gourds – Peter Lawrance :

Finished 20 Scored 19 Range 8 25 Impact 6.23 Composition 5.86 Technical 6.68

Composition works well but Gourds not as sharp as rest of the scene. The titled foreground object ought to be the sharpest object. Great still life well thought out, great shadows just needs to be a little brighter. Not sure of relevance of gourds to rest of image, apart from colours. I’m looking more at the accordion than the gourds. Very nice colours and lighting. I’d tone down the green bits in the foreground. i like this image, but the gourds are almost incidental. Great shapes and colours. quality photo but lacks focal point

22 Hat Trick – Steve Pears :

Finished 30 Scored 17.35 Range 12 28 Impact 5.59 Composition 6.14 Technical 5.86

Great still life, so simple and well constructed, Good lighting. Needs better contrast and details enhancing to make things stand out more. Nice simple image, but lighting is inconsistent with bottom shelf brightest. Therefore lacking detail in other two hats. Unusual proportions of image, like a vertical panorama. Simple, but very effective. Good lighting. Can see detail in the dark areas. Would work really well as a triptych as very simple subject matter with contrast between three types of hat. In this format would have cropped bottom shelf out and the slight bit of upright on the right. Lighting well handled in the shadows of the shelves. the hats need some sort of frame perhaps if each was in a box

23 I Know My Place – Phil Mallin :

Finished 11 Scored 20.7 Range 15 27 Impact 6.59 Composition 6.91 Technical 7.23

Great still-life, well thought out, great shading and colours. Good lighting. Nice colours. Good lighting. I think I’d crop a little tighter. Simple still life. Is it a composite? Top of the middle vessel seems a bit blurred. Subdued light and colours loses some impact and main objects slightly soft

24 Late Again :


25 Light Orbs – Graham Townsend :

Finished 16 Scored 19.45 Range 15 26 Impact 6.5 Composition 6.27 Technical 6.77

Good try at long exposure. Great idea and well executed. A more neutral background would imo improved this as would a more face on angle of shooting. Light Orbs great idea but let down by background fence, light and foreground shadows. Nice idea and use of light painting. Good leading line. Well made light trails although middle one is not as good as outer two. background distracted me

26 Pears – Phil Mallin :

Finished 12 Scored 20.6 Range 14 28 Impact 6.59 Composition 6.95 Technical 7.09

By Steve Pears? Ha ha. Aren’t there usually two in a pear? Simple enough but middle pear seems to be getting most of the light. Good still life, love the symmetry in the floor and pears, good colour matching and sharp. good texture on the background. Looks like an old painting. Very good. Nice light. Good leading lines. Pears lose impact because of detailed foreground which needs to be slightly darker

27 Ragamuffins – Ian Waite :

Finished 15 Scored 19.95 Range 14 24 Impact 6.55 Composition 6.73 Technical 6.59

Good blur, so you focus on the subjects. Shame the girl on the left isn’t facing us. Nice texture added to make it grungy, but perhaps a bit more work needed as there is a missed bit to the left of the girls and between the two on the left. Wrong setting for subject matter so doesn’t work for me, need to wait for taller girl to turn slightly more towards camera. good image, author needs to be careful when using textures (gap on first girl). the children blend into the background to much

28 Red Roses – John Smith :

Finished 25 Scored 18 Range 8 22 Impact 6.14 Composition 5.91 Technical 5.68

Crop too tight, roses not sharp. I don’t like the background. There are some strange green marks, and it needs some blur or texture. Nice detail in the petals. Like the muted background which mirrors the petal shapes. Right side rose not as well lit though. Green leaves at bottom could be cloned out. sharp were needed

29 Rough And Smooth – Paul Steans :

Finished 28 Scored 17.65 Range 8 22 Impact 5.64 Composition 5.95 Technical 5.82

Centre objects detail lost as a little soft and needs some dodging and burning. Nice detail in the leaves. Good light and good vignette.

30 Setee With View – Dave Varnham :

Setee With View-Dave Varnham

Setee With View-Dave Varnham

Finished 44 Scored 14.5 Range 6 19 Impact 4.77 Composition 4.77 Technical 4.77

Good spot, to find the image, not to see the view! Needs grad on sky and ground colours improving, not much you can do with the composition. Too central. Trees, top left and top right, have been chopped off. They need to be in or out. The greens are maybe a bit too intense. It does make you wonder how it got there. would have liked to see the settees view

31 Spanners (Mostly) – Al Simms :

Finished 22 Scored 18.7 Range 11 25 Impact 6.18 Composition 6.36 Technical 6.09

Creative composition. Good idea, background works well, needs a bit more dodging and burning. Good light, colour and texture. One section in the first E is a bit dark compared with the rest. Great still life, well thought out, good use of natural light. Good colour grading. sharp. Someone used their imagination.

32 Sunset Silhouette


33 Swimming Trunks – Debbie Lowe :

Finished 13 Scored 20.55 Range 16 25 Impact 6.91 Composition 6.91 Technical 6.73

Could be improved with basic processing, cropping and removing unwanted object from water. Good distance between the heads of the elephants.

34 Taking Off


35 The Bradgate Three – Margaret Waterson :

Finished 23 Scored 18.45 Range 9 23 Impact 6.18 Composition 6.05 Technical 6

Nice capture. Needed a different position to left to get heads in the gap and separate the two deer at the back. Nice sharp image of the deer, but the background is too distracting. Blur, darken or texture it to highlight the subjects. Well spotted shot but needs processing to make the deer stand out from the foreground and background

36 The Home Turn


37 Third Class – John Denny :

Finished 26 Scored 17.9 Range 10 23 Impact 5.73 Composition 6.18 Technical 5.86

Good spot. Could have benefited from some side lighting to give a bit more contrast. Very nice textures and colours. Looks slightly blurred in places, e.g. top left. Well spotted, could have used a slightly wider crop to expose an orange brick surround and further detail and colour processing to make the rust and decay stand out more

38 Three Go Paddling – Steve Pears :

Finished 33 Scored 16.65 Range 8 22 Impact 5.55 Composition 5.55 Technical 5.41

Like the picture, remove the corner rocks, take most of the detail out of the sand to match the sky, lower the highlights, then would be an excellent minimalist composition. A nice high key style image. Subjects, although dark, still retain detail. I found the dark rocks, bottom left, too distracting. Could have cropped as not sure what benefit having bottom left is. Also there is a lot of bland sky. Not enough progression from white to back for me. the rocks drag my eyes away from the subject a bit.

39 Three Leaves To Fall – Margaret Waterson :

Finished 18 Scored 19.4 Range 12 26 Impact 6.18 Composition 6.5 Technical 6.68

Excellent well thought out composition, but find the bottom pile of leaves a little overbearing and takes your eyes away from the ‘three’. Nice image. The background works well with a brighter area in the centre. Unsure about leaves in a pile at the bottom. Simpler image might be to not have them. Very nice colours and good detail. Didn’t hold my interest. I would spread out the bottom leaves more. good still life with added texture. really like the colours in this image

40 Three To Bring Her Home – Alan Wardropper :

Finished 27 Scored 17.7 Range 8 25 Impact 5.73 Composition 6.05 Technical 5.82

Impressive cloud! Might have been better from a lower viewpoint to see the feet of the person on the left? Mono processing could be better with more detail on the ‘three’, not sure whether the author meant it to be a silhouette or not? Nice sky. Good light. Works well in B&W. I’d like more detail on the subjects. Too dark for me, not enough progression from white to black.

41 Three Wheeler – Ken Chesterman :

Finished 40 Scored 15.35 Range 12 21 Impact 5.09 Composition 5.14 Technical 5.23

I can see five wheels!. Needs brightness and contrast lifting, background image not helping composition. Seems to be in shadow/the light isn’t great. The background is distracting. Shame that bike and background overlap. does not stand out from the background

42 Three Wise Men And A Baby – Debbie Lowe :

Finished 40 Scored 15.35 Range 7 21 Impact 5.05 Composition 5.18 Technical 5.24

Good attempt to hide any detail round the edges. Texture helps the nativity display composition

43 Three Wrecks


44 Trees – Gary Wood :

Finished 14 Scored 19.95 Range 11 25 Impact 6.57 Composition 6.78 Technical 6.43

A bit over processed. A lot of lead in! Nice colours in sky. Good leading lines. I’d like more space to the left of the curve in the track. The orange colour may be a bit too intense. Perhaps lighten foreground slightly up to the treeline then tone down the greens slightly by desaturation or changing hue to add some yellow to reflect the sky colour. good lead into the image, great reflection of light in the water.

45 Trial End – Dave Varnham :

Finished 37 Scored 16.2 Range 7 22 Impact 5.23 Composition 5.41 Technical 5.41

Could crop off a lot of bottom. Don’t understand the title! The sky needs something/changing. It’s too plain. Good leading lines. The tractors lead me out of the picture. Doesn’t hold my interest, unfortunately. Would be better with basic processing and details enhancing. Crop away some of the grass on right hand side

—————————————— X ——————–

14 Dogfight – Ian Waite :

Finished 10 Scored 20.85 Range 10 25 Impact 6.82 Composition 6.77 Technical 6.95

Good image with added texture makes it look old. Like the simplicity so there’s nothing else to take the eye. I really like this. Lovely use of texture to make it look old. Shame about the slight overlap of the first two planes. Nice composite, good use of colour matching and texture use.

Texture added but I don’t think it suits the photo. The texture doesn’t work for me as it takes away some sharpness so losing impact

24 Late Again – Steve Bexon :

Finished 9 Scored 21.25 Range 15 27 Impact 7.09 Composition 6.95 Technical 7.18

Tack sharp and three of lots of things. Lighting extremely well handled as the domes could easily become burnt out here. The man walking seems to be 3 inches off the ground, and that distracts me. it could be an optical illusion, but he seems to be separated from his shadow. Very good lighting. Nice colours. Lots of 3s. Interesting. I don’t think the lines of the platform are straight. Very nice symmetrical image, very clear, although taken slightly off centre. Shame the gentleman wasn’t in the middle! Would have been if it was posed. Anyone think he could be cut and pasted in the middle? I’m sure some of our speakers would do! Not sure about title though.

12 Chinese Lanterns – Peter Lawrance :

Finished 8 Scored 21.4 Range 15 30 Impact 7 Composition 7.05 Technical 7.45

Good high key image, Lots of clear detail. Presumably lit from underneath to show off the detail. Key line near edge frames it nicely. Lovely and sharp. I like the white background. The border compliments the image. Stands out well on background, sharp and good composition helped by position of border. great detail, holds the attention really well

32 Sunset Silhouette – Julie Holbeche-Maund :

Finished 7 Scored 21.55 Range 12 27 Impact 7.32 Composition 6.91 Technical 7.14

Great shot. Excellent lighting and composition. I’d chop some off the top to avoid a central horizon. Lovely sunset, but the main subject should be the people, to fit the brief, and I feel they are too small in the picture. Interest on right third, crop out some of left third. Great colours but too dark overall for a sunset, no light on water horizon?? More landscape than ‘3’ which should be the main focus. More about the sunset. 3 people very small in frame.

15 Fallow Does – Chantal Cooper :

Finished 6 Scored 21.57 Range 14 29 Impact 7.26 Composition 7.35 Technical 6.96

Beautiful threesome all looking in the same direction. Maybe crop a little off bottom to make them bigger in the frame and below the centre? Very nice depth of field. Brilliant shot, well processed and well caught. Gorgeous ‘dreamy’ effect. Good composition. Nice colours and lighting. Like the colour treatment and Dog F. Even though deer not looking towards the camera they are all looking the same way which asks the question about what has attracted them. Very lovely photo.

Whatever processing has been used and lost the sharpness in the three Fallow deer, assuming they were sharp originally

17 Feeding Time – James Botterill :

Finished 5 Scored 22.7 Range 16 30 Impact 7.59 Composition 7.55 Technical 7.59

Pity the third one was flying away, trunk too large in frame and dominates image

Really good. know how hard to capture this but…… if only third bird was not flying away. really well captured. great Dof F

Very good. I really like this. I love how sharp it is. It’s been timed well and the subjects have been ‘frozen’. Great DOF.

Very sharp action shot with a subtle amount of blur. With the blue tit flying away it does tell a story.

34 Taking Off – Isobel Chesterman :

Finished 4 Scored 23.05 Range 18 30 Impact 7.73 Composition 7.73 Technical 7.68

Good minimalist processed photo. Two right hand birds works great for me but left hand side bird looks strange with nothing to ground it, would add a small patch of water below it. I really like this. High key is very effective. Good composition. I’d have this on my wall. Love this. Great treatment of colour saturation and just enough water to anchor the images. Would not have worked so well imo without this. Title slightly misleading as bird on left looks to be coming in to land. But marking the image not the title. Nice high key minimalist shot.

36 The Home Turn – Isobel Chesterman :

Finished 3 Scored 23.2 Range 18 30 Impact 7.64 Composition 7.91 Technical 7.73

Brilliant action shot. Everything lined up beautifully. Good expressions on riders and horses. Needs dodging and burning on horses and riders and perhaps a wider crop to the left for more space and a lead-in from the tracks in the sand. Very good capture at speed. Nice and sharp with good DOF. Well caught, background a little muddy in colour

09 Boulder Beach – Julie Holbeche-Maund :

Finished 2 Scored 23.25 Range 13 30 Impact 7.77 Composition 7.55 Technical 7.77

Excellent! Gives you a nice warm, calm feeling. Sky is lovely. Good slow shutter speed. Foreground rock soft, can’t see anything sharp in image. Does it need so much sky at the top. Great colours! Impact and colouring is excellent. Love the recession to the horizon and just the right level for the horizon line given the interest in the sky. good blurring of sand. Very atmospheric. Nice simple image in a style seen before. Looks like a slow shutter but there’s no water! Just patterns in sand. Has it been blurred to give that effect? the long exposure makes the water look out of place .

43 Three Wrecks – James Botterill :

Finished 1 Scored 24.3 Range 19 29 Impact 8.09 Composition 7.91 Technical 8.27

A well done slow shutter shot. Very sharp. Birds are a bonus, nicely being in the lighter parts of the sky. Either very lucky or added in! Good long exposure. love the sneaky introduction of the 3 seagulls. Good processing on the sky. Great colours, great sky and composition but would have removed the extra bits of wreckage for this competition and title. Lovely photo. The water does not look real where the rest of the picture is so sharp. Very nice. Good sky, light and colours. Three birds too. Good reflection. I’d remove the additional bits either side of the wrecks.

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Table of Results for POTY 4

Standings after POTY 4

2021 Trevor Wain UK Landscape

Last night was the annual Trevor Wain UK Landscape competition run in memory of former Member Trevor Wain

It was held as is now the new nrom on zoom and  judged by Chris Baldwin

We had 54 entries

The overall winner was Isobel Chesterman with Newhaven Storm but mention must also be made of Julie Holbeche-Maund for Low Lighthouse and Phil Mallin for SS Normen  both of which also scored 20



Image Score Comment
01 A Brewing Storm

16 A good image to start with. Strong colours & good exposure, good mood to the scene. Excellent foreground interest but the horizon is a little near the centre. Note the lighter patch of sky at the top, crop that off & we resolve the central horizon issue plus make the sky more supportive.
02 A Rainy Day In Bradgate 17 The author has presented two strong subjects as a pair by good positioning & making one of them subordinate. I would make the slightest crop to the left side & see if I could lift the shadows slightly on the main tree trunk.
03 Altar Stones 16 I like the lead-in provided by the foreground rock & the subtlety of the warm sky. Composition is good overall, but I feel that the main group of stones could offer more. Try lifting their exposure by a third to a half a stop to show more detail & merge more with the warmth of the sky.
04 Arran Sunset 16 Very moody but large portions of the image have been sacrificed to concentrate on the sky. I am aware that we don’t not want the sky to burn out any more at the centre but it should be possible to lift the lower foliage a bit to play more of a part in the image.
05 Ashridge Path Held back – 18 I like the treatment given to this simple but effective image. It is a good conversion to toned monochrome. The pale vignette works very well & there are some rich tones in the tree trunks. I also like the inclusion of a different variety of tree on the left. The path is inviting to the eye.
06 Barmer Church 15 The church has been well seen in the barren trees. I like the overall blending of blues & browns in the image, but I feel the church is a little too central. The lead-in of the field is not really effective as it wastes almost a third of the image without doing anything. I would crop of the base just to, or just past, the line of freshly turned soil. Then add a minor crop to the left to just pull the church slightly off the centre.
07 Beacon Hill Rocks Held back – 18 A good & strong conversion to B&W, the rocks are positioned well and blend well together. I like the little tree: its position & its contrast in strength to the rocks. A minor crop to the left would put it into a slightly stronger position. Overall, the image has a good 3-dimensional quality.
08 Bentley Woods     16 The strength of the trees comes over well, it is enhanced by the regular array. I like the lighting on the trunks on the right. The crop at the base is good & it adds a little bit of non-conformity. There is just a hint of something to be investigated at the end of the path.
09 Blot On The Landscape Held back – 18 An amazing scene that has been well captured by the author. To let us dwell on the stronger elements the mist has removed many of the distractions usually visible. The mist, like snow, creates exposure problems for the photographer & here the author seems to have responded well. There are groupings that are segregated by the mist, giving us plenty to take in. I like the overall colouration of the scene, there is a bias to the blues, but it is not overdone. The steam plumes are an effective contrast to the mist. There are, however, many white dots on the image: some are lights, but others do not seem to be in the correct place for lights. They should have been tidied up.
10 Bradgate Park In Winter 17 A strong image, which hold our attention. The trees are in silhouette & combine well with the fences at their bases. The frost on the fields is a pleasant contrast. I believe the base to be a little strong & I would crop up to a darker band that exists on the pathway before it divides.
11 Bradgate Tranquillity 15 The two trees have been effectively used as supports to hold our landscape. I like the textures that have been captured in them. They do, however, somewhat overwhelm the scene that we have in the centre despite the inclusion of a small pond. We need some other point of interest to hold our attention longer.
12 Bridge At Compton Verney 16 A delightful capture of this fine bridge. The tall tree to the right gives it height & hold it in. The water has rendered the stonework of the bridge very well. The reflection loses some of the brick detail but distinctively retains the structure of the stone railings.
13 Choppy At Porthmeor     16 The author has captured the power of the waves extremely well & chosen a great moment to show us the breaking of the waves over the rocks. This water gives a 3-dimensional aspect to the surrounding rocks. Unfortunately, the rocks do not come over fully sharply, I am not sure why?
14 Coniston Water Jetty 16 A good exposure of this jetty, positioned well in the frame & with a good depth of field. I like the way it turns as it ends but I think that it ends too soon. It has to compete too much with the sky & is diminished by this competition. Explore trimming the sky so that the jetty ends at the start of the image’s top third, giving it back the mastery of the composition.
15 Coombe Abbey Woods 15 I like the composition & colours of this image, & the way that the water waves take me into it. It is held in quite nicely by the foliage at the two sides. I also like the way that the darker foreground takes me into sunlight. A small crop at the top will lift the stream within the image to a more effective position.
16 Crown Engine Houses 16 This is well seen & composed. The buildings are well positioned & held in place by the offshore rock. I think the image needs a little more contrast, & possibly a boost in colour to expand the differences between man-made & natural rocks.
17 Day Break 15 The dawn light & colours are well captured & intertwined nicely with the bare branches. The base is too strong & dominates as it darkens the image. Crop off roughly half of it so that the colours in the sky are lifted.
18 Early Morning At Loch Maree 16 An interesting composition, I like the way that the water seems to have picked up the colour of the distant mountain. The small trees along the lower water edge work nicely & the right shore sends the eye back into the image. A lovely sky: small in area but it really adds to the image.
19 Fairy Pools Isle Of Skye 17 There wasn’t quite so much water flowing when I went to this lovely place. The mist has held the scene in well. The waterfalls are in a good position, central but below the vertical centre. I believe that a darkening or vignette of the base would accentuate the water area.
20 High Tide Held back – 19 The water flow almost forces the eye into the image! The horizon is satisfyingly high with the sky holding the image in well. Good depth of field with the rocks at the edges working well to maximise the feeling of movement.
21 Hunt Cliffs Slatburn 17 The lovely tones of the sands take the eye into the scene, helped by the sets of footprints. The arrangement of the footprints accentuates that there are two groupings in the distance & these two groups are in good positions. I like the soft colours on the distant cliffs.
22 Indian Summer 15 The two figures make the image as they give scale and hold the eye. It can even be said that they pull the eye towards the gate in the distance. The top of the image needs to be darkened to hold it in a little more.
23 Late Summer On Bamford Edge 16 An interesting balance between the close rocks & the distant water scene. Good, bright colours, nice sky & good positioning of the distant hills. I experimented with a slight crop on the right & believe it enhances the image.
24 Llynnau Mymbyr 15 The low viewpoint works quite well, except that the green leaves at the base are a little too strong. Good water colour & surface texture. Held in nicely at the sides.
25 Looking Towards The Wood 15 These intentional camera movement images are not appreciated until after the image has been taken. Here the colours of the tree trunks and the grasses at their bases blend very well & I like the relative sizes of the sky & woodland areas.
26 Low Lighthouse Held back – 20 A lovely, moody image. The low lighting has kept the reflective white areas under control. The lighthouse is well positioned & its reflection is a little cameo in its own right. Good sky with the lighter areas well off the edge of the image.
27 Malham Cove 15 I am looking to see why the author has moved to B&W. I can only surmise that the colours there were too strong or irregular. I like the pathway at the base & the relative dimensions within the image but find that there is no naturally strong area that holds my eye for long. The junction of the walls is interesting but rather minor in the image.
28 Misty Morning    Held back – 19 I like the composition of this image. One tree is clearly dominant, but the repetition re-enforces it. The main tree commands the image with its minimal base & stretching to the top of the frame. The tree has character & strength. The supporting trees have their own shape, but the mist has reduced their strength. It is good that there is detail in the tree trunk.
29 Newhaven Storm Held back – 20 & 1st The action, here, is perfectly captured. The instant of capture has encompassed all the different sea movements. I especially like the twin waves with the wind taking their crests away to the left. The size of the breakwater is good & the lighthouse is perfectly positioned in the frame.
30 Northamptonshire Sunflowers 17 I like the high horizon & the colour contrast between the clouds in the sky & the blooms. It has a particularly good depth of field as I see sufficient detail in the close sunflowers. The edges of the image seem to have been well tended with none of the flower heads really breaking the lines.
31 Partly Dead Trees 17 This kind of subject draws me with my camera! I like the relative sizes of the two trees & the differences in shape. It is a good conversion to B&W with a full range of tones. Tightly composed but with space inside it.
32 Peel Isle Of Man 16 A different style of image! The subject suits the format. It has an intriguing presentation with a soft, narrow light vignette on all four sides, re-enforced at the base by a single narrow stroke. The inclusion of the castle ruins holds the right side in well. The details of the town do not match the quality of the beach area.
33 Penmon Point    17 A beautiful sky really enhances this image. A central horizon is created by the need to encompass the lighthouse. Well cropped at the base. The rocky shoreline works well.
34 Reflection 16 This works very well with the tree & its reflection having characters of their own. The tree is clearly dominant with the colour provided by the warm sky. The vignette around it works well. The reflection provides a good base & supports without competing.
35 Rydal Boat House 16 I like the range of tones in this image & the gentle feeling it passes over to me. I believe that the boat house has been a little short changed & it should have a larger part in the image. The eye is continually drawn to it, it is important, so crop away some of the base & the left-hand side to make it seem stronger.
36 Sapcote Sunset 16 The sun & the slanting sunlight are both well captured. However, there is a conflict within the image. We are pulled to the sun & we are drawn along the path – so where do we go? Crop away the light cereal crop on the left nearly up to the path to reduce its strength. Now the sun is dominate & it has been moved in a little to a better position nearer the third.
37 Saundersfoot Pembrokeshire 14 This seem to be an urban landscape with a large tree. I like the little sets of steps but dislike the strength of the white walls on the left. I believe that the author should have moved around to the left to concentrate on the tree, its base & the steps, losing the other houses in the process. This would make a positive change to the exposure range in the image.
38 Scots Pines By The River A’Ghairbhe  16 I like the rich colours achieved in the trees plus the contrast of the cold feel of the water. The contrast between the two areas of stillness & movement work well. Especially when we consider their relative size in the frame. The right side is held in well with all the water leaving via the base.
39 Shenton Estate 15 This has an interesting minimalist & grainy approach to a landscape of trees. I think the treatment quite suits the subject as there is no detail to be closely observed. The shadows take us into the image & the degraded right & left sides take us further in. it has a good ‘feel’ to it as a whole, without any part dominating.
40 Shenton In The Mist 16 I believe that we have two images here, three if you include this one. We are presented with a central horizon between a lovely sky & an area of delightfully lit meadow. A greedy photographer would want them both but it’s not possible as they compete. Crop the sky or crop the grass, your choice, and you end up, each time, with a delightful subject & strong support. Don’t crop & you lose out.
41 Slioch Above Loch Maree Just Before The Rain 16 Lovely tones here as we move left to right: purple mountains to golden light. A low horizon with the water at each point taking on the main colour above it, fully supporting the scene. I think we need to darken the right side a little to close in the image. The peak of the mountain just reaches into the clouds to hold the eye.
42 Snowy View From Pullwood 17 I like the effect of the weather on the tree at the front of the image, it takes the colour away & contrasts beautifully with the warmth of the distant meadows. The water inlets are nicely positioned. The sky is a good mixture of menace & warmth.
43 SS Normen    Held back – 20 I love the colours on the rotting timbers of this wreck. I would guess at a time exposure when I see the way the water reflects the vessel. Well positioned in the frame, both vertically & horizontally.
44 St. Benet’s Abbey 16 I like the water lead in & the angle of view makes the silhouette of the Abbey stronger. An unusual & attractive sky works very well. I would crop on the right to ‘push’ the Abbey off centre.
45 Steaming Through The Flood 17 Well captured, the length of the plume of smoke & steam is a bonus. A definite panoramic view & I am pleased that the author has left in this spit of land rather than accentuate the effect by cropping it. The small reflection is a bonus & the shutter was released at an excellent moment as the engine reached the trees.
46 Sunrise Over The Peaks Held back – 19 I like the quality & the texture of the stones that has come over. The extra high stone nicely bridges the horizon & is well positioned. Good depth of field has been achieved. There is good detail in the shadow areas.
47 Swimming Rydal Water 15 By utilising a portrait-orientated image in a landscape area the author has possibly sought to show the distance the swimmer has to go. He/she is not very large in the frame, but the colour adds emphasis. Good depth of field & exposure.
48 Tarn Hows    15 I like the ‘layers’ effect that we get as we focus on the near tree trunks then the far shore &, finally, the misty mountain. The image format matches its content & is well held in at the sides. As the right tree does not leave the frame, I would be tempted to consider a crop at the top.
49 Thornham Creek 16 A well seen combination of vessels. I like the support of the left edge bank & the way the water reflection adds to the sky. I believe that the beached, damaged vessel would benefit from a little more space around it in the frame, more so at the top. Good exposure.
50 Valkyrie View 16 I like the way that the flow of the wall & the angle of the rocks it reaches, direct me to the water reflection. The repetition of the angled rocks works well. The included foreground also takes me forward.
51 Whitby Pier Held back – 19 I like the low approach to presenting the pier. The red lifebuoys & the green lantern room encourage our flow along the railings, I am pleased that these are worn not pristine white. It is angled well with a good depth of field.
52 Woolacombe Bay    17 I like the square format which works well with the horizon here. Good exposure & a nice interplay between solid, glistening rocks & moving water. There is still some cloud detail in the region of the setting sun which is good.
53 Woolacombe Held back – 19 A very different & attractive sky, blended in with a moody seascape, makes this a very compelling image. The central horizon is acceptable due to the special configuration within the sky & the choice of format
54 Wyming Brook 16 I like the way that the brook ‘steps’ down & the rich colours of the brookside foliage. Although, I think that a slight trim at the bottom to remove the bright water, to be replaced by moving water, would be an improvement. I like the positioning in the frame & the shutter speed used to achieve the water flow effect.


2020 / 21 Zoom Presentation “In The Making”

Last night Earl Shilton Camera Club ESCC had their last Zoom presentation of 2020 it was by  Gareth Martin AWPF CPAGB who presented his talk entitled “In The Making”

It got off to a good start when  the Chairman said “You’re from Stoke aren’t you” and was politely told in a lilting south welsh accent “No Port Talbot”

During the evening he demystified what does it in Wales “Photographically” speaking. Gareth entertained us with a selection of different genres from Welsh landscapes in all weathers, to indoor shots of unlikely subjects, to detail study solely of hands or Feet. In many cases he took us on the journey through his thought processes and the techniques he employed from start to finish to put his award winning images together often sharing with us relevant and some time quite irrelevant stories but that helped you with understanding Gareth as a photographer. It was quite surprising to see how some of the images started as what many would consider to be no hopers and made you think of how to use all those images that you have long forgotten that sit in your computer.

So see more of Gareth work visit he facebook page

2020 / 21 POTY 3 Monochrome

Last night was the review of the images entered for the 3rd round of POTY . This round was themed Monochrome and had 50 images entered with 25 members voting.

01 73156 – Gary Wood

Finished 24 Scored 18.64 Range 12 23 Impact 6.38 Composition 6.42 Technical 5.75
Taken down at Great Central Kinchley Lane with wide angle 11mm lens which gives impact from the low angle and stretched look implies motion

there’s something going on above the smoke above the engine. Good action shot of the train. Think I would have cloned out the power/telephone pole – I keep looking at it! Clear distinction between train smoke and sky. Space for train to move into. Perhaps clone out the top of the telegraph pole


02 A Ride In The Country – Debbie Lowe

Finished 39 Scored 16.86 Range 11 22 Impact 5.5 Composition 5.88 Technical 5.46
Impact is not as strong as could be because the horse is looking out of shot.
Technically the white vignette does nothing for the image
Good pose Not sure about treatment I like the composition; but does the process work
Sepia finish trying to make it look old. Maybe background has been changed? Wonder what the horse is looking at – but not indicating a story.
not a fan of reverse vignette

03 Abandoned On Black Sands – With held

04 An Apple A Day – Chris Dunne

Finished 50 Scored 14.23 Range 7 20 Impact 4.79 Composition 4.75 Technical 4.63

Good concept and DoF but could be improved by dodging and burning apple to give more depth and contrast and removing the blemish on the apple which draws the eye. Crop in at the sides slightly. Good still life but bland, mark on the apple should have been removed. and the black line at the back. Depth of field good.
Flat background detracts, Simple subject, perhaps too much background, Simplicity. Good depth of field. Think the dog-leg line across the top is a bit distracting. Would it have been better to have an undamaged apple? But it is exactly where the highlight is and no contrast

Tweaking levels and tidying background

05 Back With A Splash – With Held


Back with a Splash – Isobel Chesterman

06 Bahla Potter – Steve Pears

Finished 19 Scored 18.86 Range 11 25 Impact 6.08 Composition 6.58 Technical 6.13
An environmental portrait. Good depth of field enables the viewer to see what looks like where the potter wipes his fingers on the rear wall!
Busy street photo, the hands seem a little strange because of motion blur, Hat’s a bit bright


07 Barbary Macaque – With Held

08 Beacon Hill – Isobel Chesterman

Finished 49 Scored 15.23 Range 8 24 Impact 4.92 Composition 5.13 Technical 5.25
ICM taken at Beacon Hill. Love it or hate it stuff. Reduced the width of the picture by bringing the tree on the left over more to the right. Converted to mono and tinted with a blue shade, which I believe is allowed. Trip out to try ICM.

Can see what author is trying to achieve and this may be taken through windscreen or painted in but the result lacks depth and focal point. Could benefit from trees being darkened and cropped i on left. Doesn’t, imo really works. Not sure what the story is here, is the photographer relaying a wind day ?. tree on the left is distractingly a little bit of contrast would help.
Appreciate the author trying something different, does it work? Hill Messy, like the nice painterly effect from ICM. Suspect many won’t like this! Looks like might be multi exposure as well. Mono suits it very well.


09 Belties – Dave Varnham

Finished 44 Scored 16.09 Range 7 22 Impact 5.25 Composition 5.42 Technical 5.29

Mono conversion works for cattle but the background is too busy and too sharp. Perhaps would have been better if cattle had heads up looking in direction of photographer? Too much of cattle heads hidden by long grass. Something different but not a strong image, Well captured


10 Black Princess – Al Simms

Finished 28 Scored 18.27 Range 11 22 Impact 5.88 Composition 6 Technical 6.25

A strong portrait but a bit over powering
Just seems to be extremes of dynamic range with little in between. Face and right arm are the dominant areas but I don’t find them interesting enough. Bottom third of image has no interest. May have benefitted from a lighter background to enable model and headpiece to stand out.
nice lighting, OK image skin needs brightening up looks dull.


11 Black Swan At Bideford – Roger Leck

Finished 47 Scored 15.55 Range 6 19 Impact 5.13 Composition 5.17 Technical 5
Nice clear shot of a black swan with good definition of feathers, but a bit soft. Not all of reflection included but water is not smooth and it’s not a good reflection anyway so doesn’t matter.
The black swan is not a big contrast to the background, head of swan out of focus.


12 Dance Diva – With Held

13 Drivers Aboard – Geoff Whitelocks : Finished 45 Scored 16 Range 9 20 Impact 5.38 Composition 5.29 Technical 5.21

Good capture of the steam but image doesn’t seem balanced. Too dark on right and not enough space on the left. Would like more of the drivers climbing aboard.
The image appers a little flat, drivers chopped off

14 Evil Intentions – Alan Wardropper

Finished 16 Scored 19.65 Range 13 25 Impact 6.86 Composition 6.5 Technical 6.23
I cropped the image to try and use the black and white to create a story for the viewer. The viewer is first attracted
To the lightest area which at it’s centre is the malevolent eye ., below this is the slightly darker area of the mutilated mouth which hopefully
Evokes the emotion of revulsion , and finally the dulled blade of the machete . This triangle says to the viewer this being as Evil Intentions.
It was taken with a single softbox with a grid to focus the light shot at F14 1/125 ISO 100.

Great impact, Dramatic, Horrible subject but well taken, Cant look at it, Very tight crop, not sure what person is holding in right hand – just looks like a straight piece of metal. Assume it’s a sword? Very dark triangle on left upper.

15 Film Noir – Daniel Wood

Finished 29 Scored 18.22 Range 8 22 Impact 5.84 Composition 6.28 Technical 5.84

Moody portrait, but lighting on face is flat, assumed lit from front. Not the strongest of portraits. Was driven mad by whatever is on her lip
nice lighting, don’t like skin texture lip ring


16 Grunta Beach – With Held

17 Haven Street Jetty – Phil Mallin

Finished 14 Scored 20.45 Range 12 28 Impact 6.71 Composition 6.96 Technical 6.75
Taken at dusk in New Zealand. The moon was just showing and the rest of the sky was moody so hence no visual of any stars. The image was a colour image changed too black and white in processing..

Good dynamic range. Nearly a symmetrical image, just needed to slightly change viewpoint, maybe getting a bit closer to the floor to get both sides coming out of corners. Long shutter to smooth water nicely done.
I think the composition lets it down. No focal point
bit flat, might have got rid of a few boats and zoomed in a bit more
love this image the still water and the light at the end of the pier and the moon in the sky.

18 Headmaster – Ian Waite


Finished 24 Scored 18.64 Range 12 22 Impact 6.25 Composition 6.25 Technical 6
Good subject. I thought there was a haze around the hat, Looks like background has been darkened as there are light areas around mortar board.
another one for a texture?, shame about the bad rim halo all around the image.

19 Killing Time – Alan Wardropper

Finished 11 Scored 20.95 Range 14 28 Impact 6.79 Composition 7 Technical 7.17

Taken with a single light positioned lower than the subject to bring out the best of lived in face
Shot at F10 1/125 at ISO 100 . the hardest thing was to get a clear image of the flame , it took a few shots to get the balance right.
Good lighting. Sharp. Bit of an inconsistency in pose as think people usually look down at lighter when lighting a cigarette?
I like the contrast between the dark background and the light of the blinds. Good balance through the image, Nice use of studio lighting
good treatment, good shot two light set up. would remove the hot spot on Geoffs nose.

20 Kirkstone Pass – Dave Varnham

Finished 43 Scored 16.18 Range 6 23 Impact 5.25 Composition 5.71 Technical 5.08

Nice view but processing seems to have caused strange effects towards back of image
The slopes from each side are over processed and the background is too soft
dramatic, over processed, over sharpened


21 Late Night For The P.I. – Al Simms

Finished 12 Scored 20.73 Range 15 27 Impact 6.96 Composition 6.67 Technical 7.13
A really strong image and tells a story, Not sure why the smoke/dry ice effect in bottom left! Lamp on right is competing for attention, could crop this out. Lamp not even lit, which might have been better? Arrangement of props seems a bit random.
ery good comp and lighting, lamp a bit too prominent
not sure why you would have smoke in this image. the lighting is awesome on the lamp which is not the hero but the hero Geoff the light is too shallow. The hero needed to be closer to the light. The Jim Beam bottle also needed more light.


22 Leaving On A Steam Train – Ken Chesterman

Finished 35 Scored 17.36 Range 10 25 Impact 5.88 Composition 5.92 Technical 5.58
Taken at Shackerstone Station which was open so we didn’t get told off. Removed a few distractions, moved a few sliders and cropped a bit. Trip out looking for photoclub pics.
Flat background detracts, Good capture of train carriages leaving in midst of steam. Shame we can’t see the engine. Looks like steam at the back of carriages is an added element as would have thought it would be all the way along the right side. Not the sharpest image.
Perhaps the image could have been cropped tighter to the train


23 Merlins Cave – John Denny

Finished 40 Scored 16.77 Range 9 22 Impact 5.25 Composition 5.83 Technical 5.58
Location: Merlins Cave, Tintagel, Cornwall, Taken: 1:38pm 4th Nov 2020, Camera: Nikon D750, Iso 400, f 4, 1/60sec manual settings,
Nikon 24-120 @ 32mm
HDR from two images, one at +1 stop., Mono conversion and post processing in Lightroom classic, some dodging and burning in Photoshop CC.
A rock was moved in the bottom left corner to help with composition.
Hand held, metered using live view with histogram. I got one chance at this before a crowd of tourists walked in front of me.
A good idea but there is too much in darkness
Difficult shot to get without blown highlights and very dark inside cave, which is what has happened. Nice idea.
very dark , well shot


24 Muscat To Sur Bw – Steve Pears

Finished 38 Scored 17.18 Range 6 24 Impact 5.63 Composition 5.88 Technical 5.5

feel the image has been overworked post camera, Interesting scenic shot but could do with more contrast.,  dramatic, Over sharpened


25 Oldenburg Quay – John Denny

Finished 20 Scored 18.82 Range 10 25 Impact 6.04 Composition 6.38 Technical 6.29

Location: Ilfracombe, Devon, Taken: 1:34pm 26th Sep 2020, Camera: Nikon D750, Iso 200, f 7.1, 1/800sec shutter priority, Nikon 70-300 @ 70mm

Mono conversion and post processing in Lightroom classic, some dodging and burning in Photoshop CC.
The landing Quay for the MS Oldenburg, the ship that goes to Lundy. Built below the main docks level, the roof and walls catch the light reflecting off the sea from the left.
Composed using live view in mono. Original in colour from camera jpg.
Hand held, metered using live view histogram.

Dynamic range has been well handled., Love the subject and the composition, might have cropped in a bit to bring the person a bit nearer the front, what’s she doing ?


26 Partly Dying Trees – Paul Steans

Finished 32 Scored 17.86 Range 10 23 Impact 5.83 Composition 6.08 Technical 5.83
Not a strong image, Trees dramatic


27 Passionate – Peter Lawrance

Finished 20 Scored 18.82 Range 11 24 Impact 6.5 Composition 6.13 Technical 6.08
was taken during a climate demo on Westminster Bridge. Managed to get right close to the action with the media and you could feel the anger and passion.
Taken on Westminster Bridge during Climate Change demonstrations. Passions were riding high and I managed to get over the barrier and amongst the demonstrators with some of the media.

More importantly I made it safely back over the barriers with camera intact.
Good expression on the men, particularly the one on the left. Focussing on these might have made a better image. A lot is uninteresting. Cameraman gives some context. Shame can’t see the full logo on the flag. Obviously a catching-the-moment image.
Well taken and tells a story, could crop into people on left, cound loose most of the left as best bit is the two men also this would have made them bigger in the frame
The crane is distracting so is the two highlights on the building below the crane. Over sharpened in places. its a shame that the two heroes are so close the the frame whilst the centre has a girl with a black hat and looking away.

Clone out crane

28 Points Of View – Peter Lawrance

Finished 22 Scored 18.73 Range 11 25 Impact 6.29 Composition 5.88 Technical 6.5
was taken on the tube between Street locations. This amazing guy sat down opposite and got his paper out. Unfortunately I pressed the shutter on my now defunct Z6 which is completely silent. Influenced by Mike Martin, our speaker a couple of weeks ago.
Managed to capture this characterful gentleman when he sat opposite me on the tube. Silent mode engaged I unfortunately found my finger on the shutter button and shot away without him realising.

I then used the image following on from the Mike Martin talk a few weeks ago and extended his idea by splitting the subject and reversing the composition. As he was looking at the paper it leant itself to the title.
Intriguing, however if this was to be symmetrical then this has not worked. the lower half of the body is blurred and the balance is not there. Good try though.
Clever idea, Different and great impact, Novel treatment of a portrait. Initially looks like two individuals but closer inspection reveals a single person cut and split to either site of image. Good idea.
don’t get it, gap a bit big between the two men and whilst it may be a recreation of the one in the zoom meeting a few weeks ago the man does not have the same impact.

Close the gap

29 Rainbow Bridge – John Smith

Finished 22 Scored 18.73 Range 10 27 Impact 6.17 Composition 6.38 Technical 6.17

Good image from Foxton. Like the lead in up the bridge which takes the viewer to the buildings and people beyond the bridge, coming back up the canal and round again. Another impressive sky, is this a replacement? Good contrasty image.
lacks depth
nice treatment and viewpoint

30 Ready To Salute – Ken Chesterman

Finished 30 Scored 18.05 Range 13 25 Impact 6.08 Composition 6.04 Technical 6

Pulled the canons round a bit so the big square thing at the end was not in the picture. Changed the sky. moved a few sliders for contrast etc. Cowes, Isle of Wight.
The texture in the sky is perhaps too heavy. Would have taken out the restraing wires
Wide depth of field so all cannon are sharp. But the way they curve takes my eye out of the image! A bright day in contrast to the sky.

Suggestion to flip horizonatlly


31 Rockham Bay – With held

32 Royal Scots Guardsman The Hadrian – Margaret Waterson

Finished 33 Scored 17.45 Range 12 22 Impact 5.83 Composition 6.08 Technical 5.5
Taken on our day trip from Nuneaton to Carlisle
I thought this would suit a monochrome effect
using mostly Photoshop i changed it from colour to greyscale
Added a bit more black , then added this canvas filter to give it a painted look
It has been cropped to get rid of a few people on the platform
A good start at textures. Not sure that it works on all of the image but I think the photographer was trying to make it look like a canvas. The people are blurred and there is a weird something below one of the trees.
Good shot of the train with steam at the front. Not sure about the added texture.
I wonder if the texture process has not done justice to the subject, too much texture


33 Royal Tiger’s Wood – Andy Freeman

Finished 46 Scored 15.86 Range 8 22 Impact 5.21 Composition 5.13 Technical 5.46
I would have cropped this from the left, Sharp shot of the water and vegetation, with a bird sitting on the wheel. Good contrast and dynamic range. Good reflections. Not sure about the top part of image – top of trees very light and sky looks odd.
what’s the subject


34 Seaside Shrub – Roger Leck

Finished 18 Scored 19.09 Range 13 24 Impact 6.71 Composition 6.29 Technical 6.04
My eyes goes to the sand as its the lightest thing in the image but it is distracted by all of the debris. This could be a great image with a bit of TLC.
Simple and effective, Very minimalistic image. Think I would have cloned out the white buoy.
dramatic, good tonal range, horizon looks a bit off but that may be my eyes would like to have seen all the root plus a bit.


35 Shot At Dawn – Graham Townsend

Finished 27 Scored 18.41 Range 8 24 Impact 6.25 Composition 6 Technical 5.96

taken at the National Arboretum, 17/9/2020. 1/1000, F5.6, ISO 100. 24-105 mm lens @ 55mm.

It was a dull day, but the sun came through and created ots of high contrast hith the shadows
Good angle used to simplify image. Lighting almost suggests dawn, perhaps tone down the statue a bit.
Strong subject. Tells a story

36 Sidmouth In Winter – Geoff Whitelocks

Finished 40 Scored 16.77 Range 6 21 Impact 5.38 Composition 5.67 Technical 5.46
Flat background detracts, Like the atmosphere but think foreground needs lifting. Needs bird further in from edge, or clone it out.
The image is somewhat flat and loses any detail

Tweak Levels


37 So Long And Thanks For All The Fish – Chris Dunne

Finished 48 Scored 15.45 Range 11 22 Impact 5.08 Composition 5.29 Technical 5.17
Eye drawn to the writing rather then the dolphin
Does well to catch the dolphin but a run of the mill record shot
Record shot. Unfortunately a very bright background. action all on the left

38 St Just In Roseland Church – Gary Wood

Finished 36 Scored 17.23 Range 12 23 Impact 5.88 Composition 5.79 Technical 5.58
Good low angle gives an unusual view. Should I mention the sky? Some haloing around the tower. The grave crosses lead you nicely towards the church.
The colour of the church grounds is lost in mono
nice treatment and viewpoint


39 Stanage Millstones – Steve Bexon

Finished 13 Scored 20.59 Range 15 25 Impact 6.79 Composition 7.04 Technical 6.71
Taken early morning in late August from Stanage Edge. Camera settings 24mm, 1/20 sec at f/13, ISO100, 0.6 ND Grad and Polarizer, Tripod. Processed in Lightroom and Silver Efex
Captures the texture of the stones. I think the high horizon works
Nice sharp millstones occupying most of the image, with background scenery showing context.
good treatment, could be grittier?


40 The Black Widow – With Held

41 The Eyes Have It – With Held

42 The Starlet – With Held

43 The Thinker – With Held

44 Time To Relax – John Smith

Finished 26 Scored 18.5 Range 10 26 Impact 6.08 Composition 6.33 Technical 6.04
Great shot – pity about halos around lamppost
image, sharp throughout. Why am I often suspicious of the sky? I might have cloned out the notice on the lamppost.
bit busy
might have got the sea behind it from the other side?

45 Tintagel – Daniel Wood

Finished 15 Scored 20.09 Range 10 26 Impact 6.6 Composition 6.92 Technical 6.4
That bridge has been added since I was last there. Assume it’s to make it accessible to all. The image is mostly about the bridge and steps so tilting the camera down might have worked better.
he lead lines make the image, good perspective, lacks impact could have tried straight down the bridge.


46 Valkyrie View – Steve Bexon

Finished 17 Scored 19.18 Range 12 27 Impact 5.88 Composition 6.58 Technical 6.5
Taken early November during the golden hour. This view takes in the Roaches, Hen Cloud and Tittesworth Reservoir. Camera settings 24mm, 1/40 sec at f/18, ISO100, 0.9 ND Grad, Tripod. Processed in Lightroom and Silver Efex
Dark and foreboding. Is there a storm on the way?
The image is too dark


47 White Hydrangea – Margaret Waterson

Finished 42 Scored 16.73 Range 6 21 Impact 5.42 Composition 5.46 Technical 5.58
Taken in Westonbirt Arboretum
It is a white plant , i used the black and white filter in lightroom
I tweaked it in Photoshop and added a canvas filter for texture
It has been Cropped to a square format for the best composition
Perhaps too busy
Texture added, brightest part in the centre to draw the eye.
too much of that same texture again.

48 White Rose – Paul Steans


Finished 36 Scored 17.23 Range 6 23 Impact 5.67 Composition 5.5 Technical 5.83
Good use of a textured background
personally don’t like mono flowers. Also could perhaps have cropped in more
well it

49 Woolsthorpe Church – Ian Waite

Finished 33 Scored 17.45 Range 8 21 Impact 5.46 Composition 6.25 Technical 5.74
Not so much about the church as the varying shades of the trees.
Would have cropped from the left
if this is autumn I would have saved it for colour

50 York Minster – Andy Freeman

Finished 31 Scored 17.91 Range 7 24 Impact 6.13 Composition 5.5 Technical 6.08

Nice contrast and detail, very sharp, Good side lighting on minster but unfortunately half hidden by buildings and trees. Also has scaffolding on minster.
I like the highlighted middle of the minster; but a record shot
good light on subject, busy foreground
scaffold and other buildings so maybe zoom in more on the left and loose all the right and some of the sky so you just have the bushy bit on the left or get a different angle.


—- X ———————

31 Rockham Bay – James Botterill

Finished 10 Scored 21.13 Range 11 27 Impact 6.76 Composition 6.96 Technical 7.24
Again a typical slow shutter speed pf the sea
Another nice seascape showing movement in the surf with good depth of field.
good movement, would prefer landscape orientation.

03 Abandoned On Black Sands – Julie Holbeche-Maund

Finished 9 Scored 21.14 Range 13 30 Impact 7.17 Composition 6.96 Technical 7.04
Taken in Iceland. Its a Super DC3 that did a forced landing in 21st Nov 1973 all 7 crew survived.
Walked a good 4 miles to get to location at 4am (still not light) in the morning to avoid the crowds.
Taken in colour but changed too Black and White in processing.
Only had 20mins to take a number of images before the first idiot came and stood on the top of the plane :-(.

41 The Eyes Have It – Debbie Lowe

Finished 8 Scored 21.41 Range 16 26 Impact 7.04 Composition 7.08 Technical 7.25
Apart from the eyes a good use of the hands, which can be difficult
Nice pose by the model. Lighting a bit harsh. Bit of a bright area on her left shoulder maybe could be toned down.
well lit and posed

07 Barbary Macaque – Chantal Cooper

Finished 7 Scored 21.48 Range 12 27 Impact 7.12 Composition 7.04 Technical 7.16
Good expression, dof, Focus is on hands more than the face, Nice portrait, sharp at front of image and nice softness behind. Like the pose.
Very sharp. Just a little too close
Wonderful expresion, a candidate for a texture behind

16 Grunta Beach – James Botterill

Finished 6 Scored 21.91 Range 10 27 Impact 7.04 Composition 7.12 Technical 7.48
A typical slow shutter speed of the sea. Well executed but is the horizon straight, Good dynamic range. Good movement shown in the sea. Sharp throughout. Good sky.
Good impact with low angle, good motion & clouds, possibly as a landscape not portrait

12 Dance Diva – Graham Townsend

Finished 5 Scored 22.41 Range 14 30 Impact 7.33 Composition 7.42 Technical 7.63
taken 21/8/19. 7.4 sec exposure using Bulb. F14, ISO 100.
This uses a reverse curtain flash, and a second constant light. Model moved through the frame from the right, the constant light creates the movement trail, then the reverse curtain fires the flash at the end of the exposure to freeze the model and light her fully.

42 The Starlet – Phil Mallin

Finished 4 Scored 22.77 Range 17 29 Impact 7.38 Composition 7.58 Technical 7.83
The planning for this image took 2 months, trying to find the right model and location. Then out sorting and buying the correct dress and accessories knowing that the image was to be turned into Black and White.
Lighting, is 3 lights: one at the back to highlight the hair and arms and side of face, one to the right to highlight the face and dress and a kicker light at the front low down to highlight the front of the model and dress in true Hollywood Style. Taken with our equipment.
Beautiful lighting on model’s face. Not keen on the pearl bracelets, especially one closest to model’s face.
ood studio work
very good lighting

40 The Black Widow – Julie Holbeche-Maund

Finished 3 Scored 22.91 Range 16 30 Impact 7.46 Composition 7.88 Technical 7.58
Planning this shoot took 1 month. First thing was to find a model with a good chin and dramatic feel, then buying the dress and hat (both black) and the gloves were black.
The white table and the grey background were deliberately done to show the progression of black to white. Two lights: one light a large parabolic umbrella straight infront of the model and the other a 30×90 soft box to the left to give the shadow off the hand which is slightly raised deliberately. Taken in our village hall with our equipment.
A good simple portrait
Simple but effective. Nice pose. Intrigue as can’t see the model’s eyes.
Wonderful comp and lighting
appealing shape
don’t know much about portraits but maybe crop up to the elbow of the raised arm and take off left hand side

43 The Thinker – Chantal Cooper

Finished 2 Scored 23.22 Range 18 30 Impact 8.04 Composition 7.56 Technical 7.68
Nice captutre and well processed. Just brilliant
Lovely image of the ape with a very human expression. Good application of texture to hide, probably, a man made structure.
Superb shot – pity the face is not more towards the viewer
aptured well

05 Back With A Splash – Isobel Chesterman

Back with a Splash – Isobel Chesterman

Finished 1 Scored 23.41 Range 18 29 Impact 7.79 Composition 7.71 Technical 7.92
Not much done to this a shadows lifted and a bit of texture also a few blobs of water removed. On a beach somewhere. Can’t remember which one.
Beautifully dramatic capture – Composition and low angle, Great image, sharp and full of character, Nice action shot, sharp, good composition, good timing to have front paws out of water. Good depth of field.



Click for Table of Results

Click for POTY Table after POTY 3

2020 / 21 POTY 3 Monochrome Gallery

2020 Zoom Presentation “174 Years Of photoshopping”

Last night Earl Shilton Camera Club were in North Wales for a talk by Sue Clark LRPS CPAGB AWPF entitled “174 Years Of photoshopping”. This was very enlightening and covered the history of “photoshopping” images aka image manipulation. Surprisingly this started some 150 years before the introduction of the program that has since given its name to this process. The presentation included many key images through history showing what was done, how it was done, why it was done. Proving image manipulation isn’t a new art brought about by computers.

To learn more about faking it see

For examples see

12 Historic Photographs That Were Manipulated

15 Famous Photos in History Colorized

15 Photo Manipulations Before the Digital Age

The Bigger Picture: Uncropped Versions of Iconic Photos

2020 Zoom Presentation “Working With Textures”

Last night was another Zoom presentation. It was good to see so many members in attendance if only virtually and it was also was another good example of how Zoom has raised the bar in regard to the quality of speakers we have been able to meet this year.  Once again we had a speaker from out side our usual area but this time it wasn’t just in demographic area but also content. We went to Barnsley to meet Jane Lazenby LRPS BPE3* CPAGB AFIAP who presented a talk called “Working With Textures” in which she gave us an insight into the dark art of textures and a brief sojourn into specialised brushes. This was a subject in which a few of our more artistic members had previously dabbled and for which several had requested more help with. The talk was nicely split into 2 halves. In the first half Jane showed us her impressive texture gallery and detailed various locations and techniques for capturing them plus how she had used some in her work and competition entries. The second half was more hands one and she showed how to use them detailing various methods of how to apply them including a nice discussion on blending modes and also how to remove sections using masks. From the comments during the Q&A I think several others members will give it a try especially as it provides a very nice means to save an image.

Click on the images below to see some of her training you tube videos or to visit her website


2020 / 21 POTY 2 Rust and Decay

Last night was the review for the second round of POTY 2020/21 which had 50 images from 27 members with 24 voting

The image needed to show something that was in the process of decaying showing the incredible textures that are created by the various processes of decay.

Surprisingly there was a very wide variety of shots from staged still life’s to railways to close up rust shots through to imaginative interpretations of the subject. The technical quality was largely very good and that mostly a lot of thought had gone into D of F as shown by the very narrow D of F of Sea Chain (44) and really good bokeh.and exposure. Also composition had been considered in most cases. There were only a few images that could be considered simply snaps. It was a strong set of images.

Image 1 (Finished 45) Scored 14.86 2 Stroke Motor, Dave Varnham

This is an OK image it certainly has a lot of texture and shows plenty of rust and decay within it so fits the theme,
but there appears to have been no processing done and as a result lacks impact.
The crop is to tight and the green at the top right is distracting however its the out of focus grey area that dominates as it becomes the
focal point Its out of focus because the depth of field is too narrow. .

Image 2 (Finished 36) Scored 16.1 Abandoned Wreck, Roger Leck

To be fair this is just a record shot. You would expect the colour to give it impact but the white / light vignette detracts.
Also the vignette is covering the subject on the right because the composition hasn’t left enough space on the right.

Image 3 (Finished 45) Scored 14.86 Airfield Beacon, Andy Freeman

It has some impact owing to size of beacon to background and thought has been given to the composition as its on the third.
However I think the sky has been over processed as it has blown highlights and wires ought to have been removed
also the moody sky isn’t showing through the glass. Background lower left is cluttered and distraction.
Maybe try a different angle to avoid the background distraction

Image 4 (Finished 44) Scored 15.05 Beached, Margaret Waterson

Again the colour of the bull dozer should give impact but the light vignettist is over powering and detracts from the image.
would be better as normal vignette or even no vignette
Would have been better to isolate bulldozer from the background either by bleaching the colour from the background or by use of a larger aperture giving narrow depth of field and bluring background.


Image 5 (Finished 17) Scored 18.71 Bonnet Caps, John Denny

This was taken in Sheepy Wood, Burbage in October it is done using stacked from 24 manually focused images in Photoshop,
Post processing in Lightroom classic. It was taken with teh authors new Tamron macro lens with the sole intention of photographing toadstools, having been over the previous few days searching where the best areas were. He hadn’t done focus stacking before so spent the night before practising so would have a better chance of it working. Manually focused the lens throughout, using the live view on magnify as he had learnt at the club. Identified the toadstools using an app called `Shroomify`.

One of the 24 images used

Nice shot (Macro) full of interest, nice lighting love the colours, top corners could do with darkening just a little.
Nicely captured, good dof, although top of front fungus is slight blurred suspect this is because thats extend of stack need to add a coupd of images
in front. Cropping is a little tight at the top.

Image 6 (Finished 23) Scored 17.67 Bow And Remains Of The Huntley, Steve Bexon

Photographed at the Purton ships graveyard on the banks of the River Severn in Gloucestershire.

Interesting but not enough atmosphere/mood also with main section on first third it blocks movement into the rest of the frame
Its Sharp through out foreground, nice use of low angle but again could do with a bit more space at top

Image 7 (Finished 39) Scored 15.86 Brixham Lighthouse, Al Simms

Nice colourful image. lighthouse door appears to be out of focus and the people are a little distracting letting the composition down could have tried to move right a bit for a better angle to avoid them.

The white has given a difficult exposure but its been handled well


Image 8 (Finished 32) Scored 16.67 Broken Window, Andy Freeman

I like this simple shot, processing has brought out the texture in the brick work etc., and colours boosted.
Flat lighting, no decay, record shot, reflection of photographer in it.
Nice colours in bricks. Would a polariset get rid of reflections, which don’t add to image interest.

Image 9 (Finished 21) Scored 17.76 Cabo Santa Maria, Graham Townsend

was taken 18/9/19 in Boa Vista. (Cape Verde) It is a 4-shot pano. The ship was a Spanish cargo ship which ran aground in 1968.
I have also attached one of the original shots for comparison.

nice interesting subject. spoilt by slightly sloping horizon and burnt out waves, Good Colour
record shot horizon not quite horizontal. Breaking waves show how close to shoreline this is.
Reasonable attempt at getting some action from waves from a calm sea.

Image 10 (Finished 25) Scored 17.48 Cast Aside, Isobel Chesterman

Taken in Burbage Woods. I took a piece of black card with me to put behind the scene and placed the lantern in the rotting wood and took several shots. Added more rust to the borrowed lantern and added a bit more fern to the right hand side.
Darkened the outside to make the centre brighter around the lantern. Cropped.

Impact is given by the contrast in subject to background like the squarish crop this helps the composition with the main subject positioned nicely on the third. Love the colours, but could do with a bit more dodging and burning to darken highlights on ferns.

Image 11 (Finished 24) Scored 17.52 Chain, Gary Wood

Taken in church cove on the Lizard in October

Context shown out of focus but red boat draws eye away from subject meaning background is distracting from the subject

I get the sense that people don’t like narrow depth of focus. Perhaps a bit more of chain needs to be in focus.
Bottom very close to edge of frame.


Image 12 (Finished 14) Scored 19.52 Chevrolet Rust Bucket, Steve Bexon

Photographed in a Utah farm field during the early evening golden hour. using a 24mm lens

Impact from the colours and position of the subject but composition has led to clipping of wheel which because its only a little bit makes you think this was done by mistake rather than on purpose. If your going to clip make it obvious. Also the intrusive object half way up on left and also its very tight on right too.
Some feel it would be better without the orange tint which makes it appear over saturated
Very colourful but over processed for me. Too tight a crop, especially on left. Item on left half way up is intrusive.
Building blends in with vehicle.

Image 13 (Finished 31) Scored 16.71 Church Door Furniture, Margaret Waterson

little impact not helped by flat lighting. Needs a bit more processing to bring out textures. Using levels


Image 14 (Finished 33) Scored 16.38 Dereliction, John Smith

This was taken in Earl Shilton on 22nd October to the rear of some shops and is a typical abandoned outside toilet.
I tried processing in colour before switching to silver effex Pro. Eventually I decided the sepia process suited the subject and give an aged look.

good idea and good treatment to make it look like an old photo. But not sure sepia treatment helps. Again crop is too tight and light vignette over subject detract.Better with normal vignette. Others felt Post processing is used too much to try and help the image.

Image 15 Deterioration Bridge – HELD BACK

Image 16 (Finished 40) Scored 15.41 Door, Chantal Cooper

not a lot of interest record shot Flat lighting. More post processing needed to bring out the tectures

Image 17 (Finished 27) Scored 17.41 Encrusted Links, Daniel Wood

I liked the use of narrow depth of field to make you concentrate on the colours and textures of the decay it also means the background is non distracting image looks out of focus. None of the links in focus. Yet general consensus from those who commented is that they don’t like narrow DOF


Image 18 (Finished 11) Scored 19.86 End Of The Line, Ken Chesterman

A small crop and brightened up. Sky changed. Photo taken on a trip to Shackerstone in search of Rust.

good image, like the denaturation to emphasise decay but it does make it appear a bit HDR’ish.
Might have put the saturation back in the vegetation though.
There is something at the back of the bush and the end of the image on the right looks like the sky has not been copied in correctly.
Unfortunately the red carriage is too dominant, needs colour toning down to keep interest in the centre of the image.


Image 19 (Finished 43) Scored 15.09 Failed M.O.T, Md Trigg

good idea. needs background darkening and blurring and green patch bottom left cloning out. focus is soft and to tight on crop Perhaps a candidate to mono everything other than car?

Image 20 Floral Decay – HELD BACK

Image 21 Forgotten Classic – HELD BACK

Image 22 (Finished 19) Scored 18.38 Forgotten Links, Ken Chesterman

Cropped in a lot and blue link moved. Cloned over some of the plastic and brightened up. Again taken on trip to Shackerstone.

Might make a good jigsaw puzzle but possibly needs a tighter crop to reduce business
Also think you can notice the cloning


Image 23 Forgotten – HELD BACK

Image 24 (Finished 18) Scored 18.62 Furgy, Gary Wood

or is it a fordson Taken at Cromer nice wide angle image. background a bit of a distraction,


Image 25 Ghost Town Mine – HELD BACK

Image 26 (Finished 49) Scored 12.48 Grave Neglect ,Chris Dunne

Lacks impact, composition is too central and blast of red lower right.
Technically let down by cross which is burnt out and busy background is distracting.

Image 27 (Finished 22) Scored 17.71 Great Western,Ian Waite

good idea that doesn’t really work as little interest needs work to help the logo and the details in the paint standout more
Peeling paint provides good texture. Some debate on positioning of image

Image 28 Hot Wheels – HELD BACK

Image 29 Janie Seddon Nz – HELD BACK

Image 30 (Finished 38) Scored 16 Langa Township Cape Town, Geoff Whitelocks

This was shot during a small group tour of Lang Township. The township is located outside Cape Town and has it’s own train station to take everybody into Cape Town to work. Many people don’t realise the size of the South African townships.
Langa is home to 1 million people. Over twice the population of Leicester.

Composition two central and bright colourful washing in background distracting. Technically let down by the sky

Image 31 (Finished 28) Scored 17.09 Lock & Chain, Daniel Wood

Good subject for theme. Sky is distracting though. lock out of focus soft, record shot, a bit flat.


Image 32 (Finished 47) Scored 14.14 Old Mower, Dave Varnham

has impact from the bright green, compositionally OK no distraction around edges.
Technically good but edges could do with a vignette.
This image meats the brief it shows the patina of rust and decay the problem is with the title who cares that its a mower

Image 33 (Finished 35) Scored 16.14 On The Rocks,Steve Pears

well spotted but flat it could be an good image but needs some work on the highlights and colouring
composition also needs some work as distracting foreground

Image 34 (Finished 35) Scored 16.05 Players Please, Ian Waite

Has some decay but background is distracting

Image 35 (Finished 29) Scored 16.91 Pulley, Chantal Cooper

Needs do burning to darken parts or adjustment of midtone levels

Image 36 (Finished 20) Scored 17.81 Put Out To Grass, Alan Wardropper

nice image Good Colour which gives impact but poor Comp as crop is too tight and not sure about bottom right corner – spoils the image here.
Technically as the crane as key interest it needs lightening

Image 37 (Finished 13) Scored 19.57 Red Rust In Red Sand, Peter Lawrance

was taken with Nikon D850 and Nikon 24-120 in the depths of the Northern Territory desert area.
As in most of Australia, when something is finished with it is simply discarded and left to rust and decay.

Impact comes from the colour compositionally strong owing to 3/4 view but technically appears over saturated or
possibly HDR Over done as too orange, the shadow would be darker than shown if the sun
was that strong. the front of the truck would be darker.

Image 38 (Finished 48) Scored 13.86 Remains Of New Pier St Ives, Al Simms

Lacks impact, this is an image of the landscape more than that of what was a pier. Out of focus. Too blue
main feature of image too small to be of interest subject insignificant, doesn’t illustrate theme
sky particular over done colour wise


Image 39 (Finished 50) Scored 11.24 Rusted Crossbeam, Chris Dunne

At first glance this appears to a landscape that’s out of focus as the beam isn’t the central subject.
just doesn’t work , angled beam not interesting enough and yet dominates image, subject insignificant
Very soft image.

Image 40 (Finished 42) Scored 15.14 Rusty Dock Gate,Roger Leck

definitely rusted but needs to show what image is. showing in context would be better
Where should I look?

Image 41 (Finished 15) Scored 19.43 Rusty Outpost, Peter Lawrance

again taken with D850 and Nikon 24-120 in the depths of the Northern Territory desert area.
The outpost was a busy cattle station at one point as was simply abandoned when a new station was developed somewhere else.
The eagle had an eerie in the water tower and we were probably the first people to disturb him in several years.

good sky and lighting but that’s the problem is all about the sky which which being bright means you see this first ?
the focus is soft on the buildings. Dark fringing on the left handmade on the trees where the author has darken the sky.

Image 42 (Finished 41) Scored 15.29 Rusty Tug,Graham Townsend

The tractor is an old Muir Hill tractor taken in Cromer,

Title rust and decay so could have just been a photo of the tractor without the boat which is new
Tractor in background distracting move to the left to crop boat and hide blue tractor and make the main tractor larger in frame Horizon not quite level. Need more space on rhs.

Image 43 (Finished 30) Scored 16.67 Rusty Winch, Geoff Whitelocks

Shot in ruins of old warehouse adjacent to landing pier in Funchal Madeira. The building is a wreck but has a preservation order on it by the Madeiran Government.

Overexposed, record type shot, too head on and tightly cropped .
Harsh lighting. Needs more texture.

Image 44 (Finished 16) Scored 18.76 Sea Chain, John Denny

taken in Ilfracombe Harbour, Devon whilst on the lookout for good rust images, I used a very narrow depth of field to pick out the focal point of the link, this also gave a nice bokeh from the reflections on the sea below.

Nice. Different. Good Bokeh, great impact. An intriguing image. Nice use of shallow DOF just a shame that the most important link is out of focus (1st one on the right leading you into the image).
Very good texture but only in a small part of frame


Image 45 St Bruno – Held Back

Image 46 (Finished 11) Scored 19.86 Still Works Though, Paul Steans

this van is owned by someone who lives on the canal in a “pirate” boat, moored at Sutton Cheney wharf.
I did most of my editing in Lightroom, and a bit of cloning in Affinity Photo.

Good low angle and strong presence in frame gives impact. Compositional possibly too tight / over Cropped
tightly cropped but OK. Texture could be brought out a bit more

Image 47 (Finished 33) Scored 16.38 The Old Winch, John Smith

was taken at 1.45 pm on 23rd August in Charlestown Harbour. There were many rusty objects about but this caught my eye.
It was taken at f4.2 – 1/1000 sec and ISO 400. In post processing I cloned out some distant people and did some dodging and burning. It was overcast and decide to leave the sky as taken as I thought this gave a good contrast to the subject.

Impact comes from closeness to subject but compositionally is this over done. Technically the water line is not level but I think the author thought that the winch should be, which does not work. nice bit of processing done .
Flat lighting. Shame harbour wall straight behind it. Perhaps a lower position might have been better

Image 48 The Sheraton At Rest – Held Back

Image 49 (Finished 26) Scored 17.43 Unsafe To Sit, Paul Steans

this bench is on the cliff at Treyarnon Bay, Cornwall. Again most processing in Lightroom and some cloning in Affinity Photo.

background could be more blurred or taken at a different angle to lose
Well seen image but the orange flags are a big distraction from the subject so is the sand.
very cluttered background. Concrete base cropped. Changing the angle of view and cleaning the background up would help

Image 50 Wearing Away – Held Back

Image 48 (Finished 10) Scored 19.95 The Sheraton At Rest, Debbie Lowe

Taken at Hunstanton

people in this case are distract from the subject, image a bit bright from HDR/ bleach bipass filter ?
Very similar tones across the image.
Over Sharp


Image 50 (Finished 09) Scored 20.32 Wearing Away, Debbie Lowe

Good image, I would have got rid of the person in the water and made some of the mid tones a little brighter,
My eye goes to the water line where this is a bright spot I would have got rid of that by moving to the left
Good exposure but the wooden groyne is lost in the stones go in closer


Image 15 (Finished 08) Scored 20.48 Deterioration Bridge, Steve Pears

Well seen image love the two birds at the bottom of the bridge. would have darken down the left hand side of the images so that the water was not so distracting from the bridge.
nice photo but needed the colour of metalwork matching on both sides
Nice angle but nothing where the eye is taken.
Very good. What good fortune to have two birds, one on each side.

Image 25 (Finished 07) Scored 20.52 Ghost Town Mine, Phil Mallin

Ghost town Mine taken in America. Canon 5D mk2 shutter speed 400, F11 with an ISO of 400 on a 17 to 40mm lens at 17mm.

Impact provide by moody sky, low angle helps composition but bottom of image is very cluttered / busy,
a lot going on find it hard to focus on subject

Image 20 (Finished 06) Scored 21.29 Floral Decay, Isobel Chesterman

Taken in the kitchen and trying to take in the comments about Ken’s conkers so cropped in and tried to make a ‘base’.
The flowers were dying but I painted over the leaves to make them look browner as they were quite green.
Added rust to the teapot as it is pewter which doesn’t really rust. The teapot I found in my grandmas garden over 50 years ago.
It now belongs to my daughter so I had to just borrow it back.

Good Still Life. Would benefit from additional lighting and a background as the lighting appears dull.

Image 45 (Finished 05) Scored 21.71 St Bruno, Phil Mallin

Pentax 645Z taken on the kitchen hob. shutter speed 20sec f20 at ISO 100 on a 55mm lens.

Good but interest is taken away from the flower by the tin, Lighting would be better if concentrated on the flower
Suppose the tin might be a bit rusty!

Image 23 (Finished 04) Scored 22.52 Forgotten, Julie Holbeche Maund

taken on the kitchen hob. shutter speed 20 sec, on a 55mm lens.

beautifully lit which draws the viewers attention to be centred on the subject

Image 29 (Finished 03) Scored 22.67 Janie Seddon Nz, Julie Holbeche Maund

Taken at sun rise.

Colour provides impact, great composition from low angle and technically good
But is has sky been replaced ? Possibly sky is too orange

Image 21 (Finished 02) Scored 22.76 Forgotten Classic, James Botterill

friend told me about the car which was in a field near Higham. After scouting the location out, I returned a few days later at sun set with a big bag full of golden leaves collected from my garden. I then scattered the leaves over the car and into the foreground. I set up too touches on the engine to light the underside of the car bonnet and waited till it was almost dark.
The image was taken with a 25 second exposure at 15mm, and I light painted the scene with my speed flash.

Great impact, excellent colour and composition. But technically the additional lights have led to questions

but there are issues the images was light once and the author has darken down the edges and parts of the images to bring
out the car. However there are patches which should be darker, bearing in mind the darkness of the sky. and the light is coming from the
wrong direction. Not sure what the author was trying to do.

Great impact, but there are issues the images was light once and the author has darken down the edges and parts of the images to bring out the car. However there are patches which should be darker, bearing in mind the darkness of the sky. and the light is coming from the wrong direction. Not sure what the author was trying to do.
Bottom left corner is distracting
A well spotted image and well treated.
Excellent colour and comp. Too dark around edges

Image 28 (Finished 01) Scored 23.3 Hot Wheels, James Botterill

Taken at Bosworth Railway on a flat grey day. Post processing consisted of a sky swap, and a significant amount of D + B in Photoshop.

Great image, good impact, low wide angle of view gives good composition technically it has an HDR feel to it and also as a result there is ghosting round the edges of the rain where the sky has been darken or replaced.
There is also and weird white line in the window of the front engine.


Click to view gallery

Click for 2020/21 POTY League 

2020 SPS International

Club members Peter Lawrance , Phil Mallin & Julie Holbeche-Maund move onto International success having had images selected in the SPS International

Peter had 2

and Phil had 3 acceptances

Whilst Julie was awarded a Ribbon and had 5 acceptances


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