Speaker “Imagination to Image Creation”
Speaker “Imagination to Image Creation” by Richard Cobby
Speaker “Imagination to Image Creation” by Richard Cobby
Workshop: Model shoot
POTY 4: “Mono” (Print) The 4 th round of POTY. Print competition, usual rules & peer voting, followed by print discussion.
POTY 5 hand in
POTY 4: Review
(POTY 6 hand in)
POTY 5: “Nature” (PDI) The 5 th round of POTY, usual rules & peer voting, followed by a photography discussion
POTY 5: Review
POTY 6: "Open" (Print) The 6 th round of POTY, usual print rules & peer voting, followed by print discussion.
POTY 6: Review
POTY 7 hand in
Inter-club: ESCC vs. Ashby CC. Judged by Paddy Ruske
Presentation of members images
POTY 7: "Still Life” (PDI) The 7th and final round of POTY, usual rules & peer voting, followed by photography discussion.
Speaker: An evening with Ralph Duckett MPAGB APAGB EFIAP
Easter Break (no meeting)
POTY 7: Review
Evening out photography
IOTY Hand in