2020 Zoom Presentation “Working With Textures”
Last night was another Zoom presentation. It was good to see so many members in attendance if only virtually and it was also was another good example of how Zoom has raised the bar in regard to the quality of speakers we have been able to meet this year. Once again we had a speaker from out side our usual area but this time it wasn’t just in demographic area but also content. We went to Barnsley to meet Jane Lazenby LRPS BPE3* CPAGB AFIAP who presented a talk called “Working With Textures” in which she gave us an insight into the dark art of textures and a brief sojourn into specialised brushes. This was a subject in which a few of our more artistic members had previously dabbled and for which several had requested more help with. The talk was nicely split into 2 halves. In the first half Jane showed us her impressive texture gallery and detailed various locations and techniques for capturing them plus how she had used some in her work and competition entries. The second half was more hands one and she showed how to use them detailing various methods of how to apply them including a nice discussion on blending modes and also how to remove sections using masks. From the comments during the Q&A I think several others members will give it a try especially as it provides a very nice means to save an image.
Click on the images below to see some of her training you tube videos or to visit her website