Last night saw a change to the planned programme owing to the use of Zoom and doing the POTY round on line we found we didnt need the Image Review evening so arranged for another speaker, This time we had a presentation Mike Martin AFIAP AWPF from Bristol entitled “It’s Not what You See, It’s What You Make”

It was in summary a resume of his photographic career but with emphasis on his image making in particular his composite model  images. He showed various examples where he included the before and after and a brief description of how he merged them and ensured that the colours were balanced. He also discussed how he set about creating his panel for his AWPR including talking about why he selected certain images and why he presented them in the layout he choose.

It was a excellent presentation and I’m sure the practical examples and insight into how to create a panel will have given at least some of the members lot of ideas and inspiration from it.

To see more of Mikes work visit his web site or for his worked example