Xmas Social evening Red Lion Huncote
Xmas Social evening Red Lion Huncote
Xmas Social evening Red Lion Huncote
Trevor Wain UK Landscape: Print Competition: Usual rules Judge Peter Gennard MFIAP EFIAP/d1
POTY 4 Hand in - “Abstract Nature”
Speaker "Underwater Photography": Presentation by Nick Moore (POTY 4 Hand in)
Workshop - Model shoot using studio lights and we are pleased to announce the model will be Lydia
POTY 4 – “Abstract Nature” PDI: 4th round of POTY. Abstract Nature PDI competition usual rules, peer voting & followed by a Workshop
(POTY 5 hand in) - POTY 5 – “History”
POTY 4 Review: images from POTY 4 competition. (POTY 5 hand in)
Interclub Competition: v Fosse Co-op PS judge David Gibbins ARPS APAGB EFIAP/b BPE5 CPAGB A/V
POTY 5 – “History” Print: 5th round of POTY. Prints of a historical subject usual rules and peer voting followed by a Workshop
POTY 5 Review: images from POTY 5 competition
Speaker “90 Shades of Graham” A presentation by Graham Walton .(grahamwalton.foliopic.com)
Chairman’s Trophy– “Happiness” Print: Prints of a happy subject usual rules and peer voting followed by a Workshop
Chairman’s Trophy Review
Inter-club: vs. Ashby PS. Judge Mike Sharples MFIAP MPAGB FBPE ARPS EFIAP