POTY 6 Review
POTY 6 Review: images from POTY 6 competition (POTY 7 hand in)
POTY 6 Review: images from POTY 6 competition (POTY 7 hand in)
Speaker “The Black Ice Pass” : A presentation by Robert Pettigrew MBE
(IOTY Hand in)
POTY 7 – "Urban Landscape” Print: 7th & last round of POTY usual rules and peer voting followed by a Workshop (IOTY Handin)
POTY 7 Review: images from POTY 7 competition
Neville Jackson Trophy – Open Print Image of the Year Competition usual rules and externally judged by Ralph Duckett SmethwickPS.
AGM: Your chance to air your views and vote for next year’s committee.
Earl Shilton Camera Club present their 2023 exhibition with a full members' showcase. The club has members ranging from beginners to experienced photographer’s with the common aim of improving all […]
Earl Shilton Camera Club present their 2023 exhibition with a full members' showcase. The club has members ranging from beginners to experienced photographer’s with the common aim of improving all […]
Welcome to the new season
Speaker - Secrets of a Wildlife Photographer By Nick Martin
Hand in - POTY1 (Open PDI)
Tutorial - Judging Masterclass by Andzrej Jablonski
Hand in - Secretary's Challenge Judge by Graham Walton DPAGB
Secretary's Challenge
POTY 2 Dusk to Dawn (Hand in)
Competition Review
Thought Process and Technical Detail (Speaker) Ady Kerry QEP ABIPP
POTY 2 - Dusk to Dawn