1. Name
The club shall be known as Earl Shilton Camera Club. Hereafter will be referred to as the club.
2. Objects
The object of the Club shall be:
2.1 To encourage and promote the art and science of photography in all its aspects.
2.2 To present the facilities of the Club to non-members who may seek to join the club
3. Membership
There shall be two classes of membership:
3.1 Ordinary Members – Ordinary Members shall be deemed elected to the Club on the receipt of the subscription pending at the time, so long as they shall agree to uphold the dignity of the Club, and be over the age of sixteen years. Applicants younger than 16 years shall be elected to the club subject to parental permission and must be accompanied by an adult who will be responsible for them.
3.2 Honorary Members – The committee shall have the power to elect any persons as Honorary Members to the Club, subject to notification at a General Meeting of the Members. Such persons elected shall have all the privileges of the ordinary members. Any visitors to the Club (i.e. potential member, members of visiting clubs or speakers) will be deemed Honorary Member of the club for the duration of their participation in the Club meeting.
3.3 Guest / New Members – Guest or New Members must be paid up Ordinary Members after attending 3 or more meetings in a given year, if they wish to continue attending regularly.
4. Officers of the Club
The officers of the Club shall be:-
4.1 A Chairman.
4.2 A Vice –Chairman.
4.3 A Programme Secretary.
4.4 A Competition Secretary.
4.5 A Treasurer.
4.6 A Club Secretary
4.7 Nominations for Officers of the Club shall be given to the Secretary at least one week before the Annual General Meeting. If no nominations are received in advance of the Meeting or if Members so nominated are not elected to office by members present at the AGM, nominations shall be received from the floor at that meeting.
5. Management of the Club
5.1 The management of the Club shall be vested in the Officers and the Committee.
5.2 The Committee shall be made up of the Officers of the Club and a Committee made up of any number of Ordinary Members.
5.3 In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Committee before the AGM it shall be filled by co-option by invitation from the Committee. Such position to be held until the next AGM
5.4 All Officers shall be eligible for re-election at the AGM.
5.5 The Committee shall have the power to co-opt any Member of the Club at its meetings. Such a co-opted member having no right to vote.
5.6 The Committee shall not be quorate unless at least two Officers of the Club are present.
5.7 The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in either May or June of each year.
5.8 In all decisions, either in Committee, at General Meeting or at the Annual General Meeting, the majority vote shall carry a motion. The Chairman having a casting vote.
5.9 The Committee shall be the sole authority in the interpretation of these or any rules.
6. Finance
6.1 The income of the Club shall be derived from the Subscription collected from Members each year and from grants, donations and events. The levels of such subscriptions being determined by the committee and ratified by a General Meeting. Membership subscription will be payable during the first 3 months of a given year (Sept – Nov). Members joining after the start of the year will pay a pro-rata basis (i.e. reductions for new members post Christmas and post Easter).
6.2 The Club Treasurer shall control the finances. The Treasurer will also present the Audited accounts of the Club to the AGM for approval.
7. Committee and General Meetings
7.1 Committee meetings shall be called by the Secretary, after consultation with the Chairman, as and when they are deemed necessary.
7.2 Extraordinary General Meetings may be called at any time by the Secretary after the receipt of written applications for such a Meeting from a minimum of 30 per cent of the Members or by the Committee in conditions where the events deem to call an EGM. Such an EGM shall be called within one month of the application request or on agreement between the Committee and its Members.
7.3 Only Ordinary Members of the Club shall be entitled to attend and vote at General Meetings, Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings. The quorum for such meetings shall consist of a majority of Members.
7.4 At a General Meeting of the Club a register of attendance should be kept to indicate Ordinary Members in attendance.
8. Suspension
8.1 The Club Committee shall have the power to suspend any Member of the Club from all or any of the privileges of the Club. This must be given in writing stating the exact reason for the suspension
9. Dissolution
9.1 The Club shall never be dissolved unless such dissolution is agreed at an Extraordinary or Annual General Meeting of the Members.
9.2 In the event of such a dissolution of the Club. The nett assets and effects of the Club shall be disposed of in a manner as seen fit by a majority of Members present at such a winding-up Meeting. Any further liabilities pending at the time shall be eradicated by equal subscriptions payable from each Member.
10. Personal use of Club Equipment
10.1 Club equipment may be borrowed by Members for personal use by agreement of a quorate of Members present at any club meeting.
10.2 Equipment being borrowed should be returned the following week or on the first week of a new “Term” if borrowed over a holiday period
11 Alteration of the Rules
11.1 No alteration, amendment or addition to the above rules and regulations shall be made unless
agreed by an Extraordinary or Annual General Meeting.
11.2 A current copy of these rules shall be supplied to all members of the Club.
12 Competitions and Events
12.1 The Programme Secretary shall produce a “document” which will include the Programme of Events, competitions, speakers, contact details and exhibitions before the start of a new fiscal year (or club season)